MIDAS_CH is a discrete-time DMSM using dynamic cross-sectional ageing. It is developed to simulate the distribution of pension income, and its underlying processes, including labour supply, migration, family formation and dissolution, and many others. As such, the model creates a synthetic panel dataset out of a cross-sectional observed starting dataset, by simulating the life spans of the existing individuals and their households while adding new-borns and immigrants, and removing emigrants and deceased individuals.
MIDAS_CH runs on LIAM2, just as other models including MIDAS_BE in Belgium, MIDAS_LU in Luxembourg, MOSART in Norway, SESIM in Sweden, DESTINIE in France, T-DYMM in Italy and CBOLT in the US.
This contribution is based on the project MIGAPE (see WEBSITE), supported by the European Commission DG Just programme (Grant Agreement no. 820798). We thanks to the support of other teams in MIGAPE and particularly Karel Van den Bosch and Philippe Liégeois as to Nicolas Bauman for excellent research assistance.
We are very thankful for the support by the InGRID2 programme, which initiated the ‘Special Interest Group on Dynamic Microsimulation’ (SIG), provided possibilities for training in dynamic microsimulation models as well as access to research infrastructure and fostered international collaboration.